Inventory FAQ

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Q. How can I see how much of a specific product I have in inventory?


  1. Inventory
  2. Inventory Management
  3. Select product (scan and select the product from the list)
  4. Proceed
  5. A list of inventory is displayed, including the warehouse
  6. Select 'Packing List' on the far left to view the packing list
  7. Select 'Analysis' to view Summary, Accruals, Costs etc
  8. Back to exit

Q. How can I zero the value of old inventory in VISCO without actually writing it out of the system? I need to keep the piece count in the system, but at a zero value. This is needed for year end

A. Enter in a cost of $0 (Cost Type: material) for the full QTY of material associated with the Venture(s). If it won’t accept $0.00, enter in $.01 that will wipe out the accrual completely without affecting quantity if you are looking to write off inventory values

Q. How do I make a package type the default? E.g. How do I make 25kg bags the default package type?


  1. Go to Tools
  2. System tables
  3. Package type
  4. Put a space in front of 25kg bag. The list is sorted alphabetically, so the entry with the space will be at top (default)

Q.How do I add a warehouse?


  1. From Home Page, select Logistics
  2. Select Warehouses (Logistics Elements, on left of screen)
  3. Select Add New
  4. Enter the code (this can be the warehouse name)
  5. Proceed
  6. Enter the remaining warehouse information such as address and contact person(s)
  7. Update (foot of screen)

Q. I had made physical inventory adjustments on items because the warehouse receipt did not match the original packing list. Now I cannot allocate these items, what happened to the adjusted inventory?

A. This inventory is flagged as Quantity Review Pending (QRP). QRP is a safety process which requires all quantity changes to be approved before the inventory can be allocated.

(You are able to see the ‘flag’ in inventory adjustments if you look up the products)

To approve the changes:

  1. Inventory Menu
  2. Quantity Review Pending
  3. Select the inventory
  4. Approve it 

Note: QRP is optional so it may not apply to your VISCO.

Q. How do I do a Warehouse Transfer? I received some items into the wrong warehouse

A.To start a warehouse transfer:

  1. Inventory Menu
  2. Start Warehouse transfer
  3. Select your venture
  4. Select the item on the left (radio button)
  5. Select the ‘to’ warehouse at top
  6. Proceed
  7. Then select the quantity you want to transfer (partial or full)
  8. The click ‘transfer’ on the left
  9. Then done

To end the transfer:

  1. Inventory Menu
  2. Receive a warehouse transfer
  3. Enter the date received
  4. Enter the warehouse receipt number
  5. Click on receive
  6. Then Receive

To verify the transfer was successful:

  1. Inventory
  2. Specific warehouse (radio button)
  3. Select the warehouse
  4. Proceed
  5. The contents of the warehouse is displayed

Q. I credited an invoice because I thought the customer had refused the product. I now know that the customer took the product and needs to pay. How do I reinstate the invoice so the customer can pay?

A. You can’t actually ‘reinstate’ the invoice since it’s been credited already. There are two ways to invoice the customer depending on how you did the credit.

Assuming a ‘sales return’ was done to credit the initial invoice: You now add another shipment to the SO (to replace the ‘refused product’ that was returned) Then allocate the goods and re-invoice


Assuming you used the ‘Add New Invoice’ link and created a manual credit: You can use ‘Add New Invoice’ link again and create a debit Memo Invoice for the ‘refused’ product’ that was returned, to invoice the customer.