Purchase Orders FAQ


Q How can I change the Unit Price on an issued PO?

A Provided the PO has NOT been shipped:

  1. PO Menu (select the PO #)
  2. PO Change
  3. Select the Line Number you need to change
  4. Select the price and Payment Terms Tab
  5. Enter the correct price in the Price field
  6. This will update all the shipment prices for the line
  7. Update
  8. Type a comment to explain the price was updated and why
  9. Done to exit

Q How do I add a new Vendor?


  1. From Home Page, Sales and Purchases, Purchase Elements section
  2. Select Vendors
  3. A list of existing vendors is displayed
  4. Select GO
  5. Enter the vendor Id (it must be unique)
  6. Select Add vendor Id
  7. Enter the vendor information
  8. Select Update

Q How do I make changes to vendor information?

A From Home Page, Sales and Purchases, Purchase Elements section

  1. Select Vendor
  2. A list of existing vendors is displayed.
  3. From here you can:

    Manage Documents




Q How do I change the PO daily Exchange Rate?

A The default exchange rates in your VIS are in the System Table called ‘Currency Codes’. At the start of the day, you should update the exchange rate so that all SO and POs have the current exchange rate.

  1. Tools (top left of home page)
  2. Master Tables maintenance
  3. System Tables
  4. Edit Currency codes
  5. Edit the currency as required and update

Note: the daily exchange rate does not change existing SOs or POs. The daily exchange rate will apply to any new SOs or POs

Q In Purchase Order Preparation, I receive a message ‘This purchase order is part of Contract (#). All updates to line and shipment quantity and date information must be made through the Contract screens’ what does this message mean?

A This message appears because this PO is part of a contract (not a stand-alone PO) any changes to line, shipment quantity and date must be done through Contracts. Select Contracts, contract preparation, prepare, on the PO side edit as needed