Sales FAQ

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Q How can I add/change the Unit Price on an issued SO?

A Provided the SO Delivery has not been shipped, it is possible to add a Unit Price.

  1. SO Menu, (type in or select the SO # from the scan)
  2. SO Change
  3. Select the Line Number you need to change
  4. Select the 'Price & Payment Terms' Tab
  5. The 5th field is called 'Price'.
  6. Type the price in here.
  7. This price will update all the shipment Unit Prices for this line.
  8. Update
  9. Done to exit the SO Change screen

Q If a SO is pre-allocated and I wish to allocate to different ventures does the process of allocating remove the pre-allocation status completely from the SO?

A Yes, pre-allocation is removed from the SO when it is allocated against a different venture

Q I cannot view/print a Sales Order document from my pc

A Please see the ‘Workstation Configuration’ document in the Online Help section

Q I usually copy a Sales order and then adjust the quantity to one and then change the value to “0”. When I select  issue, a message says ‘no shipments exist for this order’

A In VISCO, something different happens when you copy a sales order. In SO Assign at the bottom left (down by the assign button) there is a Future Order Checkbox. When you copy a sales order this box gets automatically checked -the system assumes you're entering an order but not for right now. If this checkbox is checked, NO shipments/releases are automatically created. To avoid this, uncheck the box before you click Assign. If you have assigned and the box was checked, go to SO Preparation, the Lines Tab, click on the "Auto generate shipments" link and enter the ETD and ETA this will create the shipments/releases you need

Q Can I view cancelled SOs? The problem we are trying to resolve is that a customer might call with their SO # and ask for the status on the SO, the message is displayed ‘SO not found’.  At that point, we do not know whether it was entered and cancelled or never entered, and it requires digging through paper files to try and figure it out

A Cancelled SOs (and POs) can be viewed via a Custom Report please contact for more information

Q I am receiving new sales prices from our salespeople for our customers, how can I enter the customer price for a specific product?

A You are able to enter a default price for a specific product associated with a certain customer (this is in addition to the standard default price per product) When entering a Sales Order, the price listed for the customer would override the standard default price per product.

  1. From Home Page
  2. Sales and Purchases
  3. Customer
  4. Edit the customer in the scan
  5. Select the Product Tab
  6. Select add new product
  7. Select the product and enter the customer product price
  8. Update
  9. Save Changes

Q How do I setup Customer Payment Terms?

A Take a look at your payment terms in VISCO and add/remove any as needed.

Go to Tools

  1. Master Tables Maintenance
  2. System Tables
  3. Payment Terms
  4. Add/remove payment terms as needed

Next, you need to add a default payment term to each customer. This will make your accounting system have the correct ‘due date’ on the sales invoices.

Go to Tools

  1. Master Tables, Customers, Edit a customer
  2. General Information Tab
  3. Select the payment term

Q Can I setup default payment terms for all customers and change them as needed for specific customers?

A Yes you add the same payment terms to each customer – this will be the default payment term. When you do the SO and PO, the default payment terms can be changed on the PO ‘Price Tab’ and the SO ‘Price and Payment terms tab’

Q I am changing the ETD and ETA in Sales Order Preparation, I receive a message ‘This purchase order is part of Contract (#). All updates to line and shipment quantity and date information must be made through the Contract screens’ what does this mean?

A This message appears because this SO is part of a contract (not a stand-alone SO) any changes to line, shipment quantity and date must be done through Contracts.

  1. Select Contracts
  2. contract preparation
  3. prepare

On the SO side edit as needed

Q How do I change the product on an issued sales order?


  1. SO Menu
  2. SO Change
  3. Select the SO from the list
  4. Select Change Balance of order
  5. Select the Lines Tab
  6. Select EDIT and you will be able to scan for the product
Save your changes